Monday, July 19, 2010

Journey ended too soon

Wow, it's been so long since I've posted. 

Anyway on 1/6/10 we found out that A was expecting twins.  He was scared and over joyed at the same time.  I too was excited but scared because I'd never carried twins. 

The pregnancy was great, I gained only 15 lbs and it was all in my belly.  I felt great, in fact I was my normal busy body self up until the night my water broke. 

On Tuesday night about 11:30pm while laying in bed watching TV with Shawn my water broke.  It was a small gush until I stood up.  Shawn instantly got dressed and took me to the hospital.  Luckily I was not in active labor at that time so they put me on magnesium and gave me steroids to help the babies lungs since at that point they were only 32 weeks of gestation.  The next morning I called A and told him that he needed to make his way to Phoenix as they babies could come at any time.  Finally late the next day the Dr came in to let me know what the plan is.  At that time the plan was to hold labor off until 34 weeks because baby A's fluid levels were still good.  A arrived with his brother and best friend about 4pm, we sat and chatted for a while but I kept falling asleep from the mag.  The next day pretty much was the same we sat around and talked between my naps. 

All along I was having contractions but only about 1 an hour, then at 1am Friday morning I had a contraction that seemed like it was 5 minutes long.  Roxanne my nurse came in about 15 minutes later and asked how the contractions were feeling.  I could tell that she was worried, as was I.  She checked my cervix to find that I was at a 6.  She said she would be right back, that she needed to call my OB.  I asked her at that point if I should call A, she said to wait just a few minutes.  She came back in and said to get ready we are headed to the OR.  I called A and let him know that he needed to get to the hospital now.  When I hung up the phone I started to get scared because I was headed in for major surgery and was all alone.  I called Shawn to let him know we were headed in to have a C-section.  A arrived as they were putting me in the wheel chair to go to the OR.  He got dressed in his scrubs and we were off.

We got into the OR and they gave me the spinal and got me all situated for the section.  During the actual surgery I remember feeling lots of tugging and pulling.  The tugging and pulling was Dr Bass trying to get Baby A out of my birth canal because he was headed out.  Once he was out I was over joyed when I heard his cry, and shortly there after hearing the cry of his sister brought the same joy.  Although neither could match the joy of seeing A with his babies.  They brought both babies over so I could see them before taking them to the NICU.  Dr Bass and the assisting Dr stitched me up and then glued the outside incision.  Finally I was taken to the recovery room where I finally got to see Shawn. 

More to come.......

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