Monday, December 28, 2009

Well the morning sickness is here, I'm not sure why it's here so early but I'm sick on and off.  So far I'm able to eat just way smaller amounts.  We made baked potato soup on Christmas day and I love baked potato soup so I stuffed my self 3 days in a row, now the thought of it just makes me sick.  UGH. 

Our first ultra sound is planned for next Wednesday 1/6/10, that's when we will see the baby(ies) heart beating.  I'm so excited.  A is very excited too but is also nervous which I can understand.  Transfering 2 embryos gives him the chance of having twins which is a hard thing for two parents let alone just one.  Eitherway he's going to be a great father and has a great support system to help him. 

I'm off to go lay on the couch, I worked last night so I'm still tired.  :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

This has been an amazing month for me as a surrogate, I'm currently 5 weeks 2 days pregnant with my first surro baby.   I'm so excited for A, he's going to make an amazing father. 

I'm starting to get morning sickness on and off, so far not too bad but I'm sure there's more to come since it's still early.  Today the babies heart started to beat, I can't wait for the first ultrasound on 1/6/10.  That's when we find out if one or both embryos decided to stick around. 

Well, I'd better go spend some more time with my family and feeding the child(ren) in my belly.  ;)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Okay so I realize that it's been soooooo long since I last posted anything. I don't think I even posted that my transfer in August was not successful. O-well now you know. The good news is that we are transferring again in early December. This time it will be a fresh transfer and I will know when about 3 to 4 days prior. I have a general idea of when just not exact dates, etc.
Originally I was going to go by my self that way I could just relax in the hotel and not have to worry about entertaining anyone but then my hubby decided to ask me if I wanted to see Rockefeller Center in December. Heck yes I do. I think it will be beautiful. So now I don't know if I want to go alone because I don't want to be there in NYC by my self. What to do what to do.

Today I started the 30 day Wii Active challenge. I was impressed at the workout and look forward to the next.
Well, I'd better go take a nap while I can. *I worked 12 hours last night and the night before so I'm very tired.

Good Afternoon!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything.  The transfer was on 8/24/09 it went well, at first Dr W.  Said that we were transfering 4 because the quatlity was not that great but then he came back and said that they were better then they thought and that they would only transfer 3.  Thank goodness. 

But then came day 5 after the transfer, I started POAS (peeing on a stick) but nothing.  I did that everyday multiple times a day.

Yesterday I was very irratable and cranky thinking that the transfer didn't work.  Plus at 10dp3dt I still have only received 2 very faint lines and many many negatives.

That brings us to today Beta day.  I woke up early to be at the clinic early to have the blood drawn.  I feel really good, and oddly at peace.  I've done so much research and most everything says that the beta will be negative but I have this feeling deep inside that believes that the information could be wrong.  I really hope that the feeling is right.  I know that my IF will try again but I really want this one to be the one. 

I will update more later as I'd better get some homework done since it's due tomorrow.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

PIO injections

So I did my own PIO injection this morning. It really wasn't that bad. The area started to hurt the day following the injection so I'm in a little pain from the first two but the one I did today doesn't hurt.

I'm trying to get packed for the trip tomorrow but am waiting for some laundry. I also need to clean the house more but am just not motivated. I really only need to clean my room and sweep/mop the floors. It's really not that much work but I'm having a hard time starting. I just want to spend time with my kiddos and take a nap. LOL

Well, I'm hungry so I'm going to go raid the fridge. I guess it's a good thing that I'm hungry because I haven't really been hungry lately.

Okay I off to find food.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Well, I haven't been on in a while because I started working nights. Night shift is not bad I think it will be great because it's much more layed back and not as busy. (now that I said that my first day back in September is going to be crazy but thats okay).

My IF arrived in NY today and is on his way to CT. He has an appointment to make his "deposit" in the morning. I can't wait to get the fert report. We transfer either next Monday or Wednesday. I'm so excited but nervous because I start the PIO tonight. UGH. I think I will wait till the kids are in bed to do that one.

I'd better make some dinner since it's already 7:30pm.

Good night.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So I started working nights Monday, which wouldn't have been bad but I slept Sunday night and then could not take a nap more then 30 minutes on Monday. UGH I was so tired but the night went well. I hope that my 4 day strech Saturday thru Tuesday will be better. Last night was great I didn't get tired until about 4am. Thank goodness.

Today I'm tired but I didn't want to sleep the day way because I want to sleep tonight.

I can't believe it there are only 2 weeks until the transfer if we do a 5 day transfer if we do a 3 day then it's only a week and a half. OMG I can't wait to make A a daddy!!!!!

Well, I'm going to look through the grocery store ads to see what to make for dinner. LOL

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Husband made a funny

So last night I came on to post an update and my husband asked me what I was doing. I told him I was posting on my blog. He looked on the screen and read the title "Diary of a gestational surrogate" and said I needed to change it to "Diary of a crazy lady". Yeah I married him, I must be crazy. He has been so supportive in both of my journies, the first being 2 years ago and very stressful. I'm actually really surprised that he agreed to me doing it again. The first time I was on Loopy Lupron for 3 months, during which I was a total "B" word. Luckily this time has been better, when I first started the meds I had a shorter fuse and was very impatient but it's gotten better.

I'm very thankful to have such a supportive and loving husband. He even stays home with our 3 kids when I work on weekends and doesn't even complain. It's great.

Oh I also have to say that my lupron shot hurt so bad today. I ran out of needles from the box so I went into my stash and got the ones from my first cycle. I must have forgotten that those needles are crap. They must bend when I draw up the lupron because today was the first time I actually hurt. I immediately removed those needles from the box and exchanged them with the extra's that the pharmacy sent me. Hopefully I won't have the same problem with those ones.

Well, I'm off to spend the day with the kids. I might even do some shopping.

Friday, August 7, 2009

No more 10 units of Lupron Yippee!!!

I just heard back from CFA and my ultrasound and blood work came back great. I get to lower the Lupron to 5 units and start Estrace tomorrow. We are on our way to making A a daddy.

Second suppression check

I never knew how excited I would be to see my uterus. LOL I heard the tech say that it was a 6, but what I thought. What is a 6. Yippee it was my lining it was a 6. Dr Doyle said it needed to be less then a 7 so I'm good. I'm just waiting on the call to say what meds to start next.

A ~ called me today, I love talking to him he's so sweet. He will be the best daddy.

So I called my grandma today to thank her for sending the kids birthday cards. But when I heard my grandpa's voice on her voicemail I almost couldn 't leave a message. I miss him so much, but it was nice to hear his voice. I don't know if it was the Lupron that made me so emotional or if I just needed a good cry but I cried for about 20 minutes.

Well, I'd better get to cleaning. The sitter is coming over to go over some stuff for the transfer.

Bye for now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My very first blog!


My name is Heather and this is my very first blog. I've wanted to do a blog for many years but I guess I never had the time or just never took the time to do it. Well here it goes.

I am a gestational surrogate for a wonderful intended father. I can't wait to bring the joy of being a parent to his life.

As a person who has been blessed with three wonderful children I have been so honored to be able to give that gift to others. In 2007 I went through the IVF process for a wonderful family and unfortunately none of the embryos stuck. So I waited a while and here I am.

I went to my first u/s and bloodwork appointment yesterday to find out that my uterine lining is too thick. UGH. So now I have to stay on 10 units of Lupron until after my re-check on Friday. Fun Fun Loopy Lupron.

Well, I guess I'd better make dinner now.