Friday, September 4, 2009

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything.  The transfer was on 8/24/09 it went well, at first Dr W.  Said that we were transfering 4 because the quatlity was not that great but then he came back and said that they were better then they thought and that they would only transfer 3.  Thank goodness. 

But then came day 5 after the transfer, I started POAS (peeing on a stick) but nothing.  I did that everyday multiple times a day.

Yesterday I was very irratable and cranky thinking that the transfer didn't work.  Plus at 10dp3dt I still have only received 2 very faint lines and many many negatives.

That brings us to today Beta day.  I woke up early to be at the clinic early to have the blood drawn.  I feel really good, and oddly at peace.  I've done so much research and most everything says that the beta will be negative but I have this feeling deep inside that believes that the information could be wrong.  I really hope that the feeling is right.  I know that my IF will try again but I really want this one to be the one. 

I will update more later as I'd better get some homework done since it's due tomorrow.